The beloved “Wiener Dog,” formally known as the Dachshund, has charmed everyone, from Andy Warhol, who had Dachshunds named Archie and Amos, to Clint Eastwood, who owned Fritz. Dachshunds are known for their bold personalities and unique charm, and let’s face it, they can turn into a bit of an addiction. As one owner puts it : “Dachshunds have personality as well as brains. It’s so easy to humanize them. They set the bar very high. I can’t imagine having dogs other than Dachshunds now.” Whether you’re adopting a new Dachshund puppy from a breeder or an adult from the shelter and racking your brain for name ideas , you’re in the right spot. We’ve gathered some of the best names for Dachshunds, inspired partly by the many “Doxie” pups covered by ManyPets , along with some tips on choosing the perfect name. How to choose the best name for your Dachshund OK, so there are a lot of dog name ideas out there, and it can feel really high-stakes to pick the right one. So, where do you start? Well, to start, you can focus on a few key characteristics of your Doxie. Pay attention to: Ready to get some name ideas? Let's dive into the most popular, adorable, and just plain hilarious Dachshund names. Top 5 Dachshund dog names Here are some of the top names that are favorites among Dachshund pet parents at ManyPets: Female Dachshund dog names Female Dachshunds are known for their lively and affectionate natures. They can be playful, spirited, and sometimes a bit stubborn (to put it lightly). Here are some ideas from our database of pups: Male Dachshund dog names Male Dachshunds are known for their bold, adventurous, and loyal nature. Here are some strong and classic names that perfectly fit the spirited and endearing personality of your handsome boy: Cute food-themed Dachshund names Dachshunds are notorious food lovers. Why not choose a food-themed name that reflects their gourmet inclinations? (Side note: who wouldn't want to yell out "Pickle!" at the dog park?) Mini Doxie names Miniature Dachshunds, or “Mini Doxies”, have their own special charm. These names are perfect for the smaller members of the Dachshund family: Name ideas for pairs of Dachshunds If you're lucky enough to have two Dachshunds (and many devoted Doxie owners would HIGHLY recommend that path), choosing complementary names can be a fun way to highlight their bond. Here are some pairs of names that work well together: Wiener dog names OK, not to be over-the-top, but sometimes the most obvious name is the right choice. Here are some wiener dog names our pet parents love: Funny Dachshund dog names These funny weenie dog names are sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face: Historical Dachshund names Give your Dachshund a name with a bit of history! Here are some names inspired by famous Dachshunds: Famous Dachshund names Dachshunds have made their mark in movies and TV shows. Here are some names inspired by famous Dachshunds: Still not sure what to name your Dachshund? Give yourself some time. Whether you opt for a classic name, a funny moniker, or something unique, the best name is one that resonates with you and reflects your pup’s personality. And in the worst-case scenario, you decide to change your pup’s name to something more fitting later on (it’s totally possible). And while a great name is essential, so is making sure your Dachshund is protected with a great dog insurance policy . Dachshunds, with their adventurous spirits and curious noses, can sometimes get into sticky situations. Having pet insurance means you can focus on fun and love without worrying about unexpected vet bills. So pick the perfect name and get your pup the coverage they deserve—because every Dachshund deserves a life full of waggy tails and worry-free playtime. Learn more: