As a kitten grows, just like human infants, they too experience the uncomfortable phase of teething. This period can be taxing for your little feline friend as well as for your furniture and fingers. But fear not; here are some tips and tricks to help your kitten teethe with ease.
The kitten teething timeline
Teething Timeline Chart:
2–3 weeks: Tiny deciduous incisors make an entrance.
3–4 weeks: The 'fangs' stage—deciduous canines arrive.
4–6 weeks: Premolars (deciduous) appear, upping the dental ante.
3/4–6 months: Full set of adult teeth arrives, teething tails off.
Signs your kitten is teething
As your kitten embarks on their dental journey from baby bites to adult nibbles, here are the telltale signs to help you spot the teething phase.
Chewing behavior: Kittens will chew more during teething to relieve the discomfort. Your shredded hands could probably tell you this.
Drooling: You may notice your kitten drooling more than usual.
Reduced appetite: Teething can cause discomfort and may lead to a temporary decrease in appetite.
Teeth discovery: You might find tiny kitten teeth on the floor as their adult teeth come in.
Gum discomfort: Their gums may look red and swollen, and they might paw at their mouth.
Does my kitten need a teething toy?
Teething toys for kittens aren’t necessities, but they do have some benefits.
They can give your kitten relief from the aches of growing new teeth, encourage safe play and learning, and save your household items or hands from becoming chew targets. (So quite literally, they could save your skin.)
Can't kittens just use baby teething toys?
While it might seem convenient to hand over a baby teething toy to your kitten, it's not always the safest option.
Kittens need toys that are durable and can withstand sharp little teeth without the risk of breaking apart and becoming a choking hazard.
5 kitten teething toy options
Setting your kitten up with the right teething toys is like giving them their very own set of 'chew tools' for dental health and entertainment. Here’s a roundup of five fantastic teething toys that will keep your little furball engaged and give those tender gums a break:
1. Catstages Dental Kitty Chew Wheel Catnip Cat Toy ($3.14 at time of publishing)
2. Silvervine Sticks ($6.99 at time of publishing)
3. Nobleza Kitten Toys (4 Pack) ($8.99 at the time of publishing)
Cuddly plush toys with a crinkly surprise inside, crafted for little fangs to find comfort and joy.
4. Petstages Fresh Breath Mint Stick Dental Toy ($3.99 at time of publishing)
A minty-fresh toy that's super gentle for your kitten's budding teeth.
5. Woolbuddy Cat Sushi Toys: ($16.99 at time of publishing)
How adorable are these sushi-themed wool toys? Your kitten can pretend they're gnawing on the real thing.
If possible, check out a variety of toys. That way, you can see what your kitten prefers and also prevent them from getting bored with a single type (and turn on your hands or other pets instead!).
What about homemade kitten teething toys?
You don’t have to break the bank to provide relief. A simple homemade teething toy can be made by knotting a piece of clean cloth or rope, dampening it, and then chilling it in the freezer. The coolness can offer soothing relief to those tender gums.
Just be sure that whatever you use as a teething toy at home can't be broken into small pieces and turn into a choking hazard, and it's not completely frozen, as this can break baby teeth!
Remember, while teething is temporary, establishing good dental habits lasts a lifetime. So, it’s important to introduce your kitten to teeth-friendly practices early on.
With the right toys and a bit of patience, you'll help your furry little friend through their teething phase paw-fectly. By the way, a non-insurance Wellness plan like ours can help cover the cost of things like toothpaste and brushes for your best friend, up to an annual limit. See your plan for details!