8 common pet food myths, debunked

March 12, 2024 - 7 min read
This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding your pet’s care, treatment, or medical conditions.
A close-up of a calico cat with a distinctive orange, black, and white fur pattern, intently eating a piece of raw meat from a stainless steel bowl. The cat's whiskers are in focus, and you can see the detail of its fur texture and the intent gaze in its eyes as it licks its meal. The background is a neutral white, emphasizing the cat and its food.

Raw food, vegan pet diets, the grain debate—it’s very easy to sniff out a lot of strong opinions and “facts” about the best food for pets. The problem? A lot of it isn’t true.

Misinformation in the pet food market can be a problem for pet health on many levels, a big one being the rise of pet obesity. A 2022 report by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention found that 59% of US dogs and 61% of US cats are overweight or obese. And we know that obesity puts pets at a higher risk of many health conditions that can shorten their lifespan.

With lots of “rules” and different opinions to deal with, choosing the right diet for your pets can be daunting. Your veterinarian will be able to offer some guidance based on a pet’s age, size, health, and specific needs, as well as guidelines set by organizations like the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).

But what about filtering out the facts from the fiction? Keep reading to discover eight of the most common misconceptions about pet food.

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Organic pet food is best

Is organic actually the healthiest pet food available?

Several studies have revealed the differences in nutrient levels between organic and nonorganic pet food are negligible. If pesticide exposure is a concern, do be aware that pesticides can be used in growing organic foods, too. However, the pesticides can’t be synthetic and must be certified for organic gardening.

Several studies have revealed the differences in nutrient levels between organic and nonorganic pet food are negligible.

Pet parents who wish to feed their dogs and cats an organic diet should closely check the label. Under USDA regulations, pet food can only be labeled "organic” if at least 95% of its ingredients meet the strict organic standards, including specific requirements for agricultural practices and product handling.

Homemade pet food is better than store-bought

“There are no scientifically supported benefits to homemade diets,” states a 2019 article from the American Kennel Club. Preparing homemade food for pets can lead to nutritional deficiencies or excesses.

What is recommended instead is a whole, ingredient-based, balanced diet. While this can be achieved at home, it can be very difficult to do well and accurately. Commercial pet foods are made with this standard in mind, though it’s important to check labels to make sure the food passes regulations.

Preparing homemade food for pets can lead to nutritional deficiencies or excesses.

One reason some pet owners lean into homemade meals: picky dogs and cats. (Yes, eating the same food every day can bore pets as well.) Food intolerance issues are a common reason as well. 

Those wanting to go the at-home cooking route should keep a few things in mind. First, not all recipes are created equal. Even if it’s online or in a book, it could fall short nutritionally or be poisonous to your pet. To make sure you’re feeding your pet a nutritionally balanced diet, check with your veterinarian or a board-certified veterinary nutritionist before taking the homemade approach.

Raw pet food is better than cooked

Arguments in favor of raw diets have made the rounds for humans and pets alike in recent years. For pets, this means a diet that’s often prepared at home, made up of grains, vegetables, bones, and raw meat.

One theory behind a raw diet for pets is to bring animals back to their roots of eating in the wild. Some also say that the quality of raw diets for pets is superior, more easily digested, and has other health benefits, ranging from a glossier coat to less smelly poos. However, no specific evidence has been found yet that feeding pets a raw diet versus conventional food is beneficial.

Pet owners may even find that veterinarians tend to discourage the practice. One reason has more to do with the self-preparation element than the rawness factor: It’s very easy to get the balance of nutrients wrong and cause your pet health problems, regardless of whether the food is raw or cooked. 

It’s very easy to get the balance of nutrients wrong and cause your pet health problems, regardless of whether the food is raw or cooked. 

Secondly, raw meat is at very high risk of contamination. It could contain harmful bacteria, pathogens, and parasites that otherwise would have been eliminated in the cooking process. And these could also be spread to others in your household or anyone in contact with your pet—pets and humans alike. 

While some commercially prepared raw diets undergo something called high-pressure processing or flash deep freezing to attempt to eliminate these issues, this is not the case for all of them. This means that there are several brands of raw, prepared diets on the market that are at risk of transmitting pathogens to your pet.

Recent studies have shown that there are risks of pathogens being transmitted to humans from raw pet foods, though these are lower than previously suggested. These risks will vary depending on the formulation and whether it’s prepared at home vs. buying a commercial product, but it’s important for pet owners to know that the risk is there. In particular, very young, very old, and immunocompromised individuals are not advised to handle raw pet food.

Meat is better than meat meal

Actually, it’s likely the other way around: meat meal is more nutritious than meat. But why?

The meat used in pet food is usually taken from the striated muscles of animals. Unless delineated from a specific source—say, beef or chicken—food labeled merely as meat can come from cattle, pigs, sheep, or goats.

One of the most common ingredients added to pet food is meat meal, which contains meat that’s been taken through a rendering process to destroy disease-causing bacteria. Through rendering, the meat’s water content is extracted. This results in a more concentrated protein source. 

When choosing pet food, it’s important to read labels to check out the ingredients. As with human food, the main ingredients are listed first.

Grains are bad for pets

It’s false that pets shouldn’t eat grains.

While many pet owners may consider grains to be fillers in pet food, whole grains can provide minerals, essential fatty acids, fiber, protein, and vitamins for both dogs and cats. Even refined grains like rice can also bring perks to pet diets, as they’re nutritious and easy to digest. 

While many pet owners may consider grains to be fillers in pet food, whole grains can provide minerals, essential fatty acids, fiber, protein, and vitamins for both dogs and cats.

So it’s not too surprising that grain-free diets aren’t recommended. Though they’re lower in carbohydrates, they can be higher in fat and calories. They may contain highly refined starches in lieu of beneficial grains. And grain-free foods that substitute peas, beans, or lentils in their place can result in digestive issues.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) expressed concern for the development of a cardiac disease called dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) back in 2018, with research exploring a possible link to grain-free diets. These concerns are still being heavily researched, and it’s been noted that the primary belief is still that DCM is a complex disease with many factors that impact its development.

Another reason grain-free diets gained more traction in the mid- to late 20s is that many pet owners suspected their itchy or allergic pets seemed more comfortable skin-wise on a grain-free diet. 

While the intention here is good, the actual reason behind this is likely that pet parents were inadvertently changing the protein source when they switched to grain-free food. Veterinary dermatologists state that while pets can be sensitive to grain, the much more significant and common cause of true food allergies in pets is usually the type of protein. The most common offenders, as of recent studies, indicate beef, chicken, and dairy as the top three.

Meat-based dog food is healthier than plant-based 

While some may think of dogs as carnivores, they’re actually omnivores—they thrive on a diet that includes both animal and plant sources. In fact, under the diligent guidance of a veterinary nutritionist, meat-free diets can even be a viable option for dogs, though not cats.

The bottom line: Though dogs are descendants of wolves, the domesticated dog’s diet has evolved over time, with vegetable sources becoming commonplace. Still, you should check with your veterinarian before feeding your dog fruits or vegetables. And it’s a good idea to check our comprehensive list of foods that may be harmful for pets.

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Dogs and cats can’t eat pork

Lean, cooked pork is generally considered safe for dogs and cats. But it should only be given sparingly. Too much of a good thing can increase your pet’s risk of indigestion and pancreatitis.

And you shouldn’t feed your pet any pork that’s been seasoned or cooked with sauces or onions, as these can be very harmful for both dogs and cats. And certain pork varieties, such as bacon or ham, are not as safe as leaner cuts of meat because they're higher in fat and salt, which could cause illness or obesity.

Raw pork can also pose a danger to pets, as it can cause trichinosis, an infection resulting from the parasite trichinella spiralis larvae.

Cats can eat vegetarian or vegan diets

We mentioned that dogs may be able to eat vegetarian or plant-heavy diets under the right expert guidance.

Not so for cats.

Our feline friends are obligate carnivores—their bodies are specifically adapted to derive essential nutrients like taurine, arachidonic acid, and vitamin A directly from animal sources. 

So no, a cat can’t thrive on a plant-based diet. While cats can digest some plant-based foods, these won’t provide the essential nutrients they need to stay healthy.