Common health issues in border terriers

March 22, 2024 - 4 min read
This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding your pet’s care, treatment, or medical conditions.
An attentive border terrier stands on a dark green background with a pink arrow looping around its hind leg, indicating the area affected by luxating patella.

Energetic, affectionate Border terriers are generally considered a hardy breed. They were bred originally to be skilled hunters, after all—doggedly chasing foxes and vermin across rugged terrain.

But that doesn't mean they're invincible. Like a lot of purebred dogs, they are predisposed to certain health issues that current (and prospective) owners should know about before adopting.

Today, we'll delve into common health problems in border terriers, how much they might cost to treat, and some tactics for keeping your border healthy.

Hip dysplasia

  • ManyPets Average Claim Received: >$520

  • ManyPets Highest Claim Received: >$9,800

An attentive border terrier stands on a dark green background with a pink arrow looping around its hind leg, indicating the breed's potential to develop hip dysplasia..

This condition occurs when the hip joints don't develop properly, potentially leading to arthritis and other issues. Veterinary surgeon Dr. Sophie Bell, DVM, explains how this develops:

“The hip joint consists of a ball called the ‘femoral head’ and a socket, the ‘acetabulum’. Both the ball and socket should grow at the same rate, but with hip dysplasia they grow at different rates. That leads to a lax joint where the head doesn’t sit snugly inside the socket.”

Typically, dysplasia is hereditary, and responsible border breeders won't breed dogs exhibiting signs of hip dysplasia. But occasionally, hip dysplasia develops from trauma.

Signs of hip dysplasia can be difficult to see in the early stages, which is why it's important to be vigilant so you can start managing the condition early to minimize discomfort.

Recurrent seizures (epilepsy)

  • ManyPets Average Claim Received: >$450

  • ManyPets Highest Claim Received: >$4,100

An attentive border terrier stands on a dark green background with a pink arrow looping around its head, indicating a focus on the breed's potential to develop epilepsy.

Epilepsy is a brain disorder that causes unexpected, uncontrolled seizures that, while generally not painful or life-threatening, can be scary to witness.

Recurrent seizures may not be related to any known cause (known as "idiopathic"), and dogs with the condition can go on to lead full, happy lives, even with occasional seizures. They'll likely require ongoing medication, lifestyle, and potentially diet changes to manage the condition.

Luxating patella

  • ManyPets Average Claim Received: >$840

  • ManyPets Highest Claim Received: >$7,200

An attentive border terrier stands on a dark green background with a pink arrow looping around its hind leg, indicating the area affected by luxating patella.

A luxating patella occurs when the kneecap moves out of its normal location. This can cause pain or limping and, in severe cases, may require surgical intervention.

This is another one of those pesky hereditary conditions, so adopting from a great breeder is key. If your border does develop luxating patellas, keeping them at a healthy weight can help keep the condition from rapidly progressing, but they may still eventually require surgery.

Heart disease

  • ManyPets Average Claim Received: >$680

  • ManyPets Highest Claim Received: >$8,500

An attentive border terrier stands on a dark green background with a pink arrow pointing to its heart, indicating the breed's potential to develop heart issues.

The sweet, affectionate big hearts of border terriers may unfortunately also be prone to heart disease. This might manifest in congenital heart defects or heart failure, particularly as your pup ages. Heart disease and some heart conditions are often passed down generationally. Regular veterinary check-ups are vital for early detection and treatment.

Cushing’s disease

Cushing's disease is related to an overproduction of cortisol and can lead to severe health complications such as kidney damage and diabetes. According to Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM, most cases of Cushing's are caused by either a benign tumor in the pituitary gland (80%) or adrenal tumors (20%). Another type of Cushing's can be triggered by high doses or long-term use of corticosteroid medications, like prednisone and dexamethasone.

The condition is most commonly diagnosed in middle-aged or senior dogs. While some symptoms, like increased thirst, can provide clues, it's not possible to determine if your dog has Cushing's based on observation alone. This is why it's key to keep up on wellness visits and share your concerns with your vet if you notice changes in your dog's behavior.

Juvenile cataracts

A border terrier sits against a pale beige background, looking to the side with a soft, attentive expression.

Border terriers may be born with or develop cataracts shortly after birth. This opacity in the eye's lens can severely impair vision and potentially lead to blindness if not addressed.

Skin disorders and dental disease

“I see a lot of skin problems and dental disease in borders,” says Dr. Kirsten Ronngren, DVM, MRCVS. “While I always enjoy a good cuddle with them at work, I don’t want to see them too frequently because of these issues!”

Allergic reactions often manifest as itchy and irritated skin, especially around the ears, belly, and skin folds. These symptoms typically appear between one and three years of age.

Now onto the teeth. Lack of dental care can lead to periodontal disease, characterized by gingivitis and potentially advancing to tooth loss if untreated.

A border terrier sits against a pale beige background, only its shoulders and head visible in the frame. The expression in its face is happy, attentive, and its mouth is open.

So...are these insurmountable breed challenges? Not necessarily.

“I encourage owners of border terriers to be proactive with teeth brushing at home and appropriate dental cleanings with us at the clinic to decrease the likelihood of oral pain as they age," adds Ronngren. "Additionally, if owners do start to mention signs of an itchy pup, we make sure to consider allergies as a possible underlying cause.”

The bottom line

Of course, if we could all only adopt perfectly healthy purebreds, we'd be ahead of the game. And buying from a responsible breeder is a step in the right direction, as you can (hopefully) circumvent some hereditary diseases in border terriers.

Being aware of these health conditions is the first step towards keeping your border terrier healthy. Regular visits to the vet, along with special attention to dental health, skin care, and maintaining a healthy weight, can significantly improve your dog's quality of life.

But sometimes, despite your best efforts, your border might develop a sudden illness or run into some accidents you weren't expecting. That's where pet insurance comes in. A great border terrier insurance policy is designed to help reimburse you for the cost of treating (covered) accidents and illnesses.

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Leanna Zeibak
Content Manager

Leanna Zeibak is a Content Manager at ManyPets. In her spare time, she paints pet portraits and bakes far too many chocolate chip cookies.