Dental problems in dogs and cats

June 7, 2024 - 8 min read

The information in this article has been reviewed by Dr. Rebecca MacMillan on June 3, 2024 . Although it may provide helpful guidance, it should not be substituted for professional veterinary advice.

The image shows three circles, each depicting a tooth with a different condition:  Inflamed gums, Discoloration, and Cracks

Dental health problems in dogs and cats don’t usually spring up overnight. They develop and worsen over time, and it’s often older cats and dogs who need the most treatment. But looking after your pet's teeth from a young age can help prevent many serious dental conditions from developing at all — or at least delay them by several years, and reduce the number of medical interventions you’ll need to make during your pet’s life.

That’ll help your pet live longer, and may help you save money.

Expert veterinarian Dr. Jennifer Coates shared her thoughts about veterinary dental care and cleanings.

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According to Dr. Coates, the following are some of the most common dental health issues seen in dogs and cats:

  • Gingivitis (the earliest stage of periodontal/gum disease)

  • Periodontitis (advanced gum disease)

  • Tooth abscess (pocket of pus caused by bacterial infection)

  • Tooth resorption (progressive tooth loss)

Dr. Coates also lists some of the frequently seens igns of dental problems in dogs and cats as follows:

Signs of dental disease in pets

It's always a good idea to examine your pet's mouth and gums regularly, which can help you spot any signs of disease before a condition gets more advanced.

Common pet insurance claims for dental conditions

These are some of the most common dental claims we’ve seen here at ManyPets:

  1. Tooth disorder (32% of all oral/gum/tooth claims)

  2. Tooth structure injury (29%)

  3. Retained deciduous tooth (10%)

  4. Oral mass or lesion (5%)

  5. Periodontal disease (5%)

  6. Gingivitis or gum disease (4%)

  7. Oral pain (3%)

And the most common dental issues for cats are:

  1. Tooth disorder (32% of all oral/gum/tooth claims)

  2. Gingivitis or gum disease (23%)

  3. Resorptive lesion (14%)

  4. Tooth structure injury (11%)

  5. Periodontal disease (6%)

  6. Oral mass or lesion (4%)

  7. Oral pain (3%)

The general diagnosis of ‘tooth disorder’ accounts for almost a third of all dental and oral claims for both cats and dogs and might sometimes be used to describe some of these other conditions before they’ve been further investigated.


This is one of the most common conditions seen in vet practices. With gingivitis, your pet’s gums become inflamed, red and swollen, and the condition can even lead to bleeding. Gingivitis can be painful for cats and dogs alike. Still, it’s considered a mild form of periodontal disease (aka gum disease).

Gingivitis develops due to a buildup of slimy plaque on the surfaces of the teeth. Plaque develops because of bacteria in the mouth.

As more plaque builds up, it can even grow beneath the gums, eventually leading to swelling and inflammation. That’s when your pet’s got bigger problems than gingivitis.

While gingivitis is easily treatable with good home dental care or with professional scaling and polishing at your vet, your pet will face a more challenging form of periodontal disease if you wait too long to seek treatment.

Dog lying down with open mouth


Periodontitis (advanced gum disease) is the more serious and advanced form of periodontal disease. It’s an advanced gum infection that damages the mouth’s soft tissue, and can even damage the bone that attaches the tooth to the jaw. In some cases, your vet will have to remove one or more teeth.

In the most extreme instances, the bacteria connected with periodontitis can enter a pet’s bloodstream, causing damage to internal organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys. Pet parents don’t often imagine dental health conditions to be life-threatening, but in the worst cases they most certainly can be.

Fortunately, periodontitis can be stopped in its tracks with the right dental care, particularly a professional cleaning.

Man holding a dog

Bad breath (halitosis)

No one expects dog or cat breath to smell minty fresh. But the truth is, your pet’s breath shouldn’t make you gag either. If you notice a particularly unpleasant odor emanating from your furry friend’s chompers, there’s a good chance something is wrong. At that point, you should check their teeth and gums and arrange a visit to your vet.

The buildup of odor-producing bacteria in plaque is often the cause of bad breath. It's normally a sign of gum disease, and there may also be other issues you and your vet will need to address concerning your pet’s teeth and gums.

“By far, the best way to take care of your pet’s teeth is to brush them every day,” advises Dr. Coates. “Daily brushing removes plaque, the bacteria-laden goop that sticks to teeth.” Beyond that, Dr. Coates emphasizes that certain dental diets, chews, treats, and water additives can all help reduce the accumulation of bacteria-filled plaque and tartar, when used alongside teeth brushing.

Coates recommends products that carry the Veterinary Oral Health Council  (VOHC) Seal of Acceptance, which have been shown to be particularly effective

But if nothing else works, there’s a good chance you’ll need to have your pet’s teeth scaled and polished, along with extractions of broken or damaged teeth. This will have to be done in a veterinarian’s office under anesthesia. Professional dental cleanings can go a long way toward eliminating halitosis, since they remove the plaque, tartar, and bacteria that caused the problem in the first place.

Tooth abscess

A tooth root abscess is a buildup of pus that’s caused by a bacterial infection. Signs of an abscess can include swollen areas around the face, nasal discharge, and excessive sneezing. Another clear sign of an abscess is when your furry friend eats less food than usual, stops eating altogether, or only chews on one side of their mouth.

Unfortunately, it’s often difficult to spot the symptoms before the abscess has reached a somewhat advanced state, as pets don’t always exhibit obvious signs of discomfort or distress in the early stages.

So if you think there might be a problem, try and gently look inside your pet’s mouth (if they safely allow it). In fact, you should do that every so often, even if you’re not aware of any specific problems.

If there's an abscess, you’ll likely notice swelling and reddening of the gums around the affected tooth. Your vet will then likely recommend one of two solutions: performing a root canal or removing the tooth.

Dog lying down with tongue out

Worn and fractured teeth

Your pet’s teeth can be damaged or worn down through day-to-day activities like chewing non-food objects, or carrying toys or sticks. Worn teeth and tooth fractures are especially common dental issues in dogs, but cats can experience them too.

The good news is that there are ways for pet parents to protect their pet’s teeth, or at least slow down the wear and tear. But you may have to rethink some very basic preconceptions about being a pet parent.

For instance, it’s good to give your dog a bone, right? Actually, not so much. Hard objects like bones and antlers are prime culprits when it comes to tooth damage. Hard pet toys, tennis balls, and sticks can also play a role in breaking or wearing away your pet’s teeth.

The wisest thing you can do is limit your pet’s chewing habits to soft toys and chews. And if you have a yard or your dog likes to play outside, try to keep bones, sticks, and stones out of reach.

Man in white t-shirt brushing cute blue Abyssinian cat's teeth at home high res

Tooth resorption

This condition affects cats more frequently than dogs. After periodontal disease, it’s one the most common dental problems in cats. Tooth resorption often affects cats over 5 years of age.

Resorption takes place when the surface of your pet’s tooth (more specifically, the hard tissue beneath the tooth’s enamel, or dentin) gets worn away or damaged. Resorptive lesions will develop, and the condition can be extremely painful.

And if the condition goes unchecked, the tooth structure in your cat’s mouth will only continue to weaken and decay. When this happens, the affected tooth can break and expose sensitive nerves.

Tooth resorption isn’t always easy to spot early on, since lesions often don’t develop until the later stages of the condition. Once the condition becomes advanced, it’s usually difficult to reverse the damage. By far the most common solution is to simply remove the affected tooth.

How to keep your pet's teeth and gums healthy

Dr. Coates’s top tips for avoiding common dental conditions include:

  • Brushing, brushing, brushing

  • Dental diets, chews, treats, and/or water additives to fight plaque and tartar

  • Regularly check your pet’s mouth for symptoms

  • Get your pet a professional dental cleaning

Many pet owners may not know that brushing a cat's or dog’s teeth is even a thing. But veterinarians universally recommend regular brushing; it’s the best and easiest way to stave off dental diseases for as long as possible. Special diets, treats, and chews can yield positive effects as well, but brushing is still best.

Your pet may not love having a toothbrush scrub their teeth, but it’s definitely worth persevering, as it's one of the best ways to stave off both cat and dog teeth problems. Through gradual, positive-reinforcement-based training, your furry friend will get used to the process eventually. Actually, the best way to make your cat or dog a docile dental patient is to get them accustomed to brushing when they’re still puppies or kittens.

And this isn’t just a good way to keep your pet happy, healthy, and frisky. It’s also good for your bank account, even if you have pet insurance.

Does pet insurance cover dental?

Some companies will cover accident-related dental treatments only, while others (including ManyPets!) will cover dental treatments stemming from both accidents and illnesses. And while preventive cleanings are generally not covered by insurance policies, some pet insurance companies (also including ManyPets!) offer optional (non-insurance) Wellness Plans that can help reimburse pet parents for the costs of routine dental care, including cleanings.

(Learn more ManyPets' dental coverage!)

Now, let's break down the details of dental coverage:

Does pet insurance cover dental conditions?

Most pet insurance companies include at least some coverage for dental health conditions. But some companies only cover accident-related conditions. Others, including ManyPets, may cover both accident- and illness-related dental treatments.

Does pet insurance cover dental extractions?

Yes, tooth extractions may be covered by your Accident and Illness policy. That’s because vets only remove teeth when there’s evidence of a dental illness, like periodontal disease, or a traumatic injury, like a broken tooth. And while routine dental cleanings aren't covered by insurance, any extractions resulting from conditions diagnosed during those cleanings may be.

Speaking of cleanings…

Does pet insurance cover dental cleaning?

Professional dental cleanings performed by a vet, which include scaling, polishing, and examining the teeth, can be vital for your pet's dental health. However, these cleanings are generally not covered under pet insurance policies, as they're considered preventative care.

If the cost of dental cleanings seems a bit overwhelming, you should definitely consider purchasing a Wellness Plan. Unlike insurance policies, the optional (non-insurance) ManyPets Wellness Plan is designed to help reimburse you for cleanings, as well as at-home dental products like brushes or chews, when your pet needs them.

Pet insurance, on the other hand, covers dental accidents and injuries, including conditions like fractured teeth or periodontal disease that may require extractions or other treatment. Having both pet insurance and a Wellness Plan offers financial protection for unexpected conditions and routine care alike.

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David Teich
Lead Editor

David oversees content strategy and development at ManyPets. As Lead Editor, he focuses on delivering accurate information related to pet care and insurance. David’s editorial background spans more than a decade, including a pivotal role at Digiday, where he wrote content and managed relationships with media and tech companies. As an Associate Editor at Cynopsis Media, David wrote the Cynopsis Digital newsletter and interviewed executives and digital marketing experts in the TV industry. His background also includes film journalism. His diverse experiences in journalism and marketing underpins his role in shaping content within the pet care industry.