Pet obesity: are we making our cats & dogs obese?

7 February 2020 - 5 min read

Pet obesity is on the rise - and animal organisations say owners should be more aware of what a healthy weight is and how to keep their pet in shape.

Based on findings from a report we conducted in 2023, more than 85% of UK veterinary professionals said they were finding weight gain in pets to be an issue that they felt was increasing within their practice.

The same survey found vets reporting that 61% of the dogs and 53% of the cats that they saw in the clinic had weight issues. This is in contrast to the number of owners who understood that their pet had problems with their weight - which sits at an average of 42% - indicating a divide between the reality of overweight pets and the perceptions of their owners 

Is your dog overweight?

“Pet owners need reminders of ‘[what] normal [weight is]’ to help counter the gradual change in perception as many people now believe that ‘overweight’ means ‘normal’,” says Pete Wedderburn, vet and journalist.

In their annual pet welfare report for 2018, the PDSA found that 80% of dog owners thought their pet was an ideal weight but only 40% knew their actual weight or BCS (body condition score - an equivalent of the human BMI).

And when the PDSA asked dog owners to match an outline of a dog’s body shape used to determine BCS to that of their dog’s, 5% scored BCS-5, which indicated obesity. However, only 1% of these pet owners described their dog as obese.

These findings suggest that there is not enough awareness of how to tell when a pet reaches an unhealthy weight or when it is at a risk of becoming overweight.

But with one study of 50,000 reporting that overweight dogs live up to 2 and a half years less than dogs whose weight is within the norm, and with pet obesity on the rise, it’s time to do something about it.

To tilt the scales in a healthier direction, it seems a good place to start would be diet and more importantly re-thinking how, why and how much we feed.

Do we love to overfeed our pets because we love them?

There’s an old adage that pets only love us because we provide them with food. Based on the responses in one international survey conducted by Better Cities For Pets in 2018, perhaps the problem is that we love to feed them.

Fifty-nine percent of cat and dog owners say they “feel rewarded when feeding their pet”, 77% said their pet “gets excited when they feed it” and a further 54% said that they’d give their pet food if it begged for it.

Feeding is an easy way to show affection and offers emotional benefits to both owners and pets. However, it can contribute to unhealthy weight gain in our pets.

Veterinary surgeon Dr Neerja Muncaster says that even owners who are aware of their pet's daily food allowance often overlook their consumption of treats.

She says: "It is important to include the treats in the daily food allowance so that you aren't inadvertently overfeeding, for example, when training a young dog."

And there are other ways to make pets happy.

In 2017, a neuroscientist studied dogs in functional MRI scans and concluded that they enjoy being praised by their owners at least as much as they enjoyed food and that 20% of the dogs preferred praise to food.

Among some of the food-free ways to show affection suggested by veterinary professionals are praise, showing affection by petting your pet, spending time together and playing with it.

This doesn’t mean never giving treats, but it does mean carefully measuring the amount of food you give your dog, based on its weight, and following the daily recommended amounts stated on food packaging and taking treats into account.

Another great way to show affection is active play and exercise.

How much exercise is the right amount of exercise?

"Exercise requirements will vary with age and breed but as a general rule most dogs enjoy going out for walks 2 to 3 times a day," says Dr Muncaster.

Working, herding and sporting breeds need at least an hour a day, whereas toy and small breeds need half.

If you’re unsure how much exercise your dog needs based on its breed and age consult your vet.

Luckily veterinary professionals are paying more and more attention to pets’ weight.

Dr Muncaster lists pet obesity as one of the main topics for pet owners to be aware of in 2019.

She says: "Most veterinary practices run weight clinics, which are a great source of support and help. At many clinics a qualified veterinary nurse can design a diet programme for the owner and support them throughout the journey."

How to check if your pet is overweight?

If your dog is a normal weight, you should be able to feel (but not see) the outline of its ribs, see its waist from above and its belly should seem tucked in when looking at it from the side.

For a cat, you should also be able to feel its spine and hip bones and there should only be a little bit of belly fat.

Obesity can contribute to other conditions such as diabetes, musculoskeletal problems, heart problems, arthritis or respiratory issues.

Having your pet’s weight and BCS checked as often as possible when you go to the vet is a good way to monitor its body condition.

"It is standard practice in most practices to record the weight at each consultation. Body conditions scores less so. Weight trends can be important indicators of underlying health problems, especially in cats," Dr Neerja Muncaster told us.

How to prevent pets from becoming obese?

Giving your pet the right amount of food and exercise for its size are key.

Try to avoid feeding your pet table scraps and ensure they get plenty of exercise. If you’re unsure how much exercise your dog needs based on its breed, age and weight, ask a veterinary professional.

Although prevention is better than cure, even if your pet is overweight or obese, there is still a lot you can do to help.

What to do if a pet is overweight?

If your pet is diagnosed as obese or overweight, your vet can recommend diets and the necessary level of exercise to help your cat or dog get to a healthy weight.

Reducing the amount of treats or introducing a restricted diet is often part of the efforts to return to normal weight.

Pets may seem happy when they get treats but studies show that overweight pets are not happy pets.

And don’t be afraid that your pet will like you less if you stop giving it snacks: “Walks and games are much better treats for dogs than food,” says the PDSA.

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Irina Wells
Content Marketing Executive

Irina is a former content marketing executive for ManyPets. She has contributed to a number of personal finance sites, including Loot Financial Services and Claro Money.