We've changed our name to manypets
We've changed our name to ManyPets
You’ll now see it on our website, communications and your policy documents. Find out more about why we've made the change and what to expect.)
Why we've changed
We think pets are amazing and we’ve helped keep hundreds of thousands of them healthy and happy as Bought By Many since 2017.
Over the past few years we’ve won awards for our customer service and our Complete policy came top of the Which? Best Buy cat and dog insurance lists.
And we’ve shown we love pets just as much as you do, although a few of you have pointed out our name doesn’t scream (or howl) pets.
So, we’ve changed it to ManyPets.
What to expect
You’ll have the same great insurance cover and service under a new name that we think is easier to remember and proves where our heart is: pets, pets, pets.
Our site has moved from Boughtbymany.com to Manypets.com. Don’t worry if you have links saved or click through from old emails, they’ll still get you to the right place.
If you’re a customer, there’s nothing you need to do except tell your friends. We’ll even throw in a gift card if they join - just join our referral scheme. The way you claim, pay and update your policies will stay exactly the same.
And if you’re not yet with us, you can buy now on this site to get your cats and dogs covered by ManyPets in just a few clicks.
We want you to love every moment with your pets. And we hope you’ll love ManyPets, the new name for Bought By Many.