Love Shack review: Vegan heaven with doggy discounts

26 March 2024 - 2 min read

In my experience there are two kinds of ‘dog-friendly’ establishments: those that simply allow dogs in, and ones that welcome your four-legged friend as a guest and make them part of the experience.

Love Shack is one of the rare places that’s firmly the latter. From the moment we (myself and my cockapoo Nula) arrived, it was clear we were good hands.

On the dark January evening of our visit, the dimly-lit café was a cosy retreat from the hustle and bustle of Hackney. The staff greeted me with a friendly hello and Nula with a vegan treat from the selection at the bar. Already a positive start. We were then guided to their best seat in the house for humans and dogs – the sofas.

“You get a 10% discount for bringing a dog to Love Shack”

This was a great suggestion. Firstly, I love sofas for food sharing, drinks and catching up with friends. Secondly, it meant Nula could snuggle up next to me and relax on our level, rather than on the floor. Provided with a dog bowl of fresh water, Nula settled in and made herself at home, watching customers come and go and accepting lots of fuss and attention from staff.


ManyPets Approved

Want to see more dog-friendly places?


Love Shack is a fully vegan café, so the menu offers a wide array of plant-based small and large plates, alongside cocktails, wines, beer and soft drinks. To kick things off we ordered a round of margaritas for £10 each – quite a reasonable price given the usual price tag for cocktails in this part of town. They were delicious and I’d come back for these alone. 

However, the food didn’t disappoint either. We tried a selection of small plates; mushroom wings, no sin duck, jackfruit tacos and fries. All fell into the category of ‘finger-lickin’ good’ but for me the mushrooms were the highlight of the night. Crunchy, chewy, served with an amazing sauce – an all-round taste sensation.

“I was blown away by how much everyone really loved having a dog around”

And there were still surprises in store. It turns out you get a 10% discount for bringing a dog to Love Shack – yes you read that right! The owner began actively encouraging customers to bring their dogs when the café opened so his own dog could have canine company while he was working. If I wasn’t coming back before, I certainly wanted more now.

As a vegan venue, it shouldn’t be a surprise that animal lovers work there. But I was still blown away by how much everyone really loved having a dog around. The staff smiled, paid attention to our dogs and, best of all, trusted that we knew what was best for them to be social in the space. There were no rules.