How to cure worms in cats & dogs

10 February 2025 - 12 min read
Dog sniffing poo

The thought of worms in your cats and dogs probably makes your skin crawl. But they’re incredibly common – almost all cats and dogs will have intestinal worms at some point, which means they’re very treatable and manageable.

Worms are normally not life-threatening for your pet, but they can lead to more serious health complications if left and allowed to reproduce.

Here, we answer "how do you get rid of worms in dogs?", what to do if you find worms in dog or cat poo, discuss the symptoms, treatment and everything else.

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Why do I need to worm my pet regularly?

Image of a black-and-white dog offering its paw to a woman outdoors

It often won’t be obvious that your dog or cat has worms. They probably won’t have any symptoms until they have a heavy infestation, and, by that point, the worms could be doing them real harm.

A regular, preventative worming schedule for cats and dogs will keep on top of the worms they have and make sure they never have enough build-up to cause them problems.

How often should l I worm my dog or cat?

Image of a grey-and-white cat lying on a carpet

How often should dogs and cats be wormed? As a general rule, both dogs and cats should be wormed every three months.

But you need to talk to your vet about your pet’s lifestyle as some are at greater risk than others, and they may recommend worming them more frequently.

Who needs worming more often?

Worming more often might be recommended for:

Because of these different lifestyle factors, some animals may need worming more often than others. For example, a farm dog may need to be wormed more frequently than household pets.

Cats and dogs that appear healthy can still carry worms. It’s important to worm dogs regularly as symptoms often don’t appear until the worm burden is quite heavy.

Dog and cat worming schedules

There are different types of deworming medication available which prevent and treat intestinal parasites:

  • Liquid or paste - Panacur

  • Tablet - Drontal, Milpro, Milbemax, Endogard, Nexgard, Bravecto, Simparica, Credelio

  • Spot-on treatments - Advocate, Prinovox, Bravecto, Stronghold, Felpreva

It’s really important that you know that not all worming medications and products kill the same worms. Different worms may need different treatments and you should speak to your vet for advice on the best wormer or combination of wormers for your pet.

Most wormers are given every three months. But wormers that treat non-intestinal worms like lungworm and heartworm tend to have a more frequent treatment schedule.

For example, if you live in an area where your dog’s at risk of lungworm, your vet might advise a monthly treatment that kills lungworm and intestinal worms instead of a three-monthly treatment for intestinal worms only.

How to worm puppies and kittens

Image of a Golden Retriever puppy with its owner next to him

Did you know that puppies and kittens are actually often born with worms? They can catch roundworm from their mother while still in the uterus and they can also get them from their mother’s milk shortly after birth.

Because of this, a worming schedule for puppies and kittens should begin at three weeks old. Worming should then be repeated about every two weeks to prevent reinfection until they’re 12 weeks old.

Usually, they're wormed again one month later at 16 weeks old, before usually starting on an every three-month worming schedule.

Follow your vet’s advice on what worming product you should give your puppy or kitten and how often. Worms can be particularly damaging in young animals so it’s important you have an effective deworming schedule for them.

How to administer worm medication

Worming your pet can be tricky - especially if you're using tablet products. Most pets don’t like taking tablets, but there are lots of ways to make the process easier

Hiding tablets in food can disguise them well enough that your pet doesn’t notice them. Something really tasty like a piece of chicken, fish, or pate can work well, or even a tiny piece of sausage or cheese. It’s best to choose something strong tasting to disguise the taste of the medicine. There are also various pill putty-type products available from the vets to hide tablets in.

If you need to give your pet a tablet directly into their mouth, follow these simple steps to make the process go smoothly:

  • Make sure you’re in a calm, controlled environment. It can help to sit your pet between your knees on the floor so you have better control.

  • Place the pill between your thumb and index finger in one hand.

  • With the other hand, gently hold your dog’s muzzle and tilt their head back. You may need to use the other hand to open the mouth by gently pushing down on the lower jaw.

  • Quickly push the tablet toward the back of their throat. Try to place it as far back as possible to avoid your pet spitting it out.

  • Allow your pet to close their mouth, and you canhold it closed for a few seconds, gently massaging the throat to encourage swallowing.

  • Check that your pet has definitely swallowed the tablet and doesn’t spit it out! It can help to offer a treat or some water straight away to wash away any nasty tastes. 

If you’re really having trouble, you can speak to your vet and they can demonstrate or help you give the tablet at the clinic.

Can you worm a pregnant cat or dog?

You can and should worm pregnant pets. It’ll protect both your pregnant cat or dog and her puppies or kittens. However, not all products are safe to use in pregnancy - especially those that also treat other external parasites such as fleas.

Always speak to your vet before giving any wormer (or any other product) to your pregnant pet to ensure you use something safe for mum and babies. 

Ways to prevent worms

two beautiful husky dogs in the autumn garden

Flea, tick and parasite control

Regular worming and defleaing help to reduce the presence of parasites significantly. Fleas can carry tapeworms, so reducing these can be a good, proactive step.

Garden maintenance

Keeping your garden clean can reduce the chances of contamination. Clean up poop regularly. Our guide on making a pet-friendly garden can help.

Hunting prevention

Try to discourage your cat from hunting, as this is a major source of worm infections. You can discourage hunting by:

  • Discouraging birds from visiting your garden by not feeding them

  • Having a solid feeding schedule

  • Putting a bell on your cat's collar 

  • Spaying or neutering your cat


Dogs inevitably like to put different things in their mouth. It’s important to keep a dog’s surroundings clean and to prevent them from spending time in areas that may be contaminated – this can reduce the risk of worm infections being picked up.

Regularly clean toys and bowls for your pets to avoid cross-contamination.

You should regularly dispose of pet waste too, clean litter boxes regularly and prevent your pet from eating poop from other animals.

Are there natural alternatives to regular worming treatments?

Some people feel that frequent worming medications can be harsh on your pet’s system and may look to natural alternatives.

As long as you follow the dosing amount and intervals, commercial wormers are safe for your pet and will not cause them harm. They are there to prevent your pet from getting worms and keep them healthy.

Natural alternatives to wormers aren’t likely to be as effective and could even be harmful.

There's currently no convincing scientific evidence to prove that any natural worming products are effective and vets don't recommend it.


Garlic is actually toxic to dogs and cats. It’s likely to do your pet more harm than good.

There’s no reliable evidence showing that garlic can reduce either adult worms or eggs in dogs and cats, yet it’s one of the most commonly suggested alternative worm remedies.

Pumpkin seeds

A social media myth says that pumpkin seeds contain a chemical called cucurbitacin which ‘paralyses’ worms so they can then be expelled.

Again, there’s just no scientific evidence to support these claims. Adding a fatty, fibrous food to your dog’s diet is quite likely to upset their tummy though and it’s pretty unlikely cats will be inclined to eat them in the first place. Fatty foods can also increase a dog’s risk of developing pancreatitis, which is painful and can make your pet very unwell.

‘Hairy’ treats

The theory here is that furry treats like rabbit or cow ears will act like a ‘brush’, sweeping away intestinal parasites as they pass through your dog’s digestive system.

At least this one is unlikely to do any harm – your dog will probably find the odd furry ear a very welcome treat.

Again, there’s no scientific evidence that this works. But it is unlikely to do your pet any harm. 

Can natural remedies replace vet treatment?

a vet nurse examines an Alaskan Malamute on a table

It’s important to remember that at-home remedies are not recommended. These methods are ineffective and potentially dangerous compared to veterinary intervention. While they may ease symptoms, they’re not reliable like veterinary treatments. 

Natural remedies should help, but not replace, veterinary care.

How do animals get worms?

The most common ways dogs and cats get worms are:

  1. Eating worm eggs found in contaminated soil.

  2. Transmission from a mother to a puppy or kitten through her milk.

  3. Transmission during pregnancy from a mother to her unborn offspring.

  4. Contaminated animal faeces from outside.

  5. Eating infected fleas.

  6. Killing or eating dead animals such as rodents, birds and insects (slugs, earthworms, cockroaches) that are carrying worm eggs.

Types of intestinal worms in dogs and cats in the UK

There are four common types of intestinal worms in dogs in the UK:

  • Roundworms

  • Tapeworms

  • Hookworms

  • Whipworms


Roundworms live in the gut where they ‘steal’ nutrients from your dog or cat’s food.

Roundworms are particularly dangerous for puppies because they can stunt their growth by depriving them of the vital nutrients needed for their development into adulthood.


  • Abdominal bloating

  • Blood in the stool

  • Coughing or shortness of breath

  • Diarrhoea and vomiting

  • Fatigue

  • Poor coat condition

  • Signs of discomfort

  • Weight loss



Roundworms are the most common parasitic worms for dogs and cats. They are brown and can grow up to around 10cm. You may see them in your pet’s poo, where they look like noodles.

How are they transmitted?

Pets can catch roundworms by eating microscopic eggs in food, soil and water.


Tapeworms are also very common and live in the intestines. They are white, flat and around 30cm long, although they can grow much bigger.

You’re unlikely to see a full-sized adult tapeworm, but they are normally seen as broken-off pieces that look like grains of rice in a dog’s poo.


  • Diarrhoea

  • Lethargy

  • Scooting

  • Swollen stomach

  • Unhealthy coat

  • Vomiting

  • Visible worms in your dog’s stool or around the anus, or in vomit

  • Weight loss



Tapeworms are also very common and live in the intestines. They are white, flat and around 30cm long, although they can grow much bigger.

How are they transmitted?

Dogs and cats normally become infected with tapeworms from fleas, which they often accidentally eat. These infected fleas spread the parasite and cause intestinal worms. Cats can also pick them up by hunting and eating infected rodents or birds.

Dogs can also get tapeworms by eating the poo of infected animals like sheep or cows, or even from raw meat.


Hookworms aren’t frequently found in the UK in dogs but they are fairly common in foxes. Cats are unlikely to get hookworms, although it is possible.

They have a hook that attaches to the intestinal lining and feeds on blood, which can cause anaemia if left untreated. This loss of blood can be particularly dangerous for puppies and kittens.


  • Anaemia

  • Cough

  • Lethargy

  • Pale gums due to anaemia

  • Poor appetite

  • Scooting

  • Weight loss


Hookworms are small – around 10-20mm long. These blood-sucking parasites live in the digestive system of dogs and cats.

How are they transmitted?

Unusually, hookworms can get into your pet through their skin. They can also migrate around the body. Intestinal hookworms are usually a result of ingesting the larvae found in the poo of other dogs or foxes.

Dogs can get hookworms in four key ways:

  • Eating poop, grass or soil (or from grooming their paws)

  • In utero from their mother’s placenta

  • Skin penetration

  • Sniffing the worms through their nose from contaminated poop or soil


Whipworms live in the large intestines of dogs and get their name from their shape. They have one end which is tapered and looks like a whip.

This thicker end embeds itself in the intestinal wall as the worm matures. This causes irritation and discomfort for infected dogs and is particularly dangerous for puppies.

Adult whipworms lay their eggs in the large intestine, where they are passed into a dog’s poo and infect the environment.


  • Anaemia

  • Blood or mucous in the stool

  • Constipation

  • Decreased appetite

  • Dehydration

  • Soft stools or diarrhoea

  • Weight loss

  • Appearance

They look like small pieces of thread with one enlarged end.

How are they transmitted?

Dogs mostly get whipworms from ingesting eggs from the faeces of another infected dog, but they can get it from infected food, soil or water.

Here’s a handy table that summarises the major information: 

Type of wormAppearanceSymptomsCauseLifecycleRegion
HookwormsSmall, 10-20mm.Anaemia, pale gums, lethargy.Skin contact, infected faeces.1-2 years.Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
RoundwormsNoodle-like, 10cm.Diarrhoea, vomiting, potbelly.Mother’s milk, contaminated soil.Around 2-3 months. Can live for 1-2 years.Tropical countries, especially Africa, Americas and Asia.
TapewormsGrains of rice pieces.Weight loss, scooting.Fleas, hunting rodents/birds.Years.Latin America, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, India, and Asia.
WhipwormsTapered whip shape.Diarrhoea, vomiting, weight loss.Contaminated soil/faeces.5-16 months.Sub-Saharan Africa, Central America, South America, United States.

General symptoms of intestinal worms in dogs and cats

Woman picking up her Huskie's poop with a red bag

All four types of intestinal worms tend to have some common/similar symptoms but it can be difficult to spot the signs of worms in the early stages of infection.

  • Weakness and listlessness

  • Loss of appetite

  • Weight loss despite an increased appetite

  • Diarrhoea or vomiting

  • Swollen belly

  • Dry coat

  • Scooting (when your dog rubs their bottom on the floor)

  • Licking their rear

  • Coughing

  • Signs of infection in a puppy’s poo such as spaghetti-like worms, rice-like grains, mucus or blood

Non-intestinal worms in dogs and cats

A hand feeding a square brown tablet to a curly haired dog

There are some other types of worms that your pet can catch. Thankfully they’re fairly rare, but can have some serious symptoms.


Lungworms used to be rare in the UK, but they’ve become much more common and infections are no longer concentrated in certain parts of the country.

Lungworms are only small, but they live in the heart and arteries of the lungs where they can do terrible damage, and can in severe cases become life-threatening.


  • Bleeding or bruising

  • Blindness

  • Collapse and shock

  • Coughing

  • Diarrhoea

  • Exercise avoidance

  • Heavy breathing

  • Loss of appetite

  • Vomiting

  • Weight loss


They’re white, thread-like worms that vary significantly in size. In dogs, they can be up to three inches long, while in cats they’re around nine millimetres.

How are they transmitted?

Dogs pick them up by eating slugs and snails, or objects they have left their slime on.


Heartworms travel in the bloodstream and live in the heart. It can take six months or so for them to show symptoms.

The worms can eventually block the flow of blood to the heart and sadly this is usually fatal.


  • Coughing up blood or producing bloody urine (it’ll look dark)

  • Coughing and shortness of breath

  • Discoloured gums and skins

  • Fainting

  • Heart problems

  • Nose bleeding

  • Swollen stomach

  • Weakness

  • Weight loss


They look long and stringy. Some say they look like spaghetti, and they can grow between 10 to 12 inches if they’re female and four to six inches if they’re male.

But you won’t see them as they live inside a pet’s heart and in the arteries.

How are they transmitted?

Heartworms are spread by mosquitos. They aren’t found in the UK, but your dog is at risk if you take them abroad or they’re from overseas.


Eyeworms cause an infection known as Thelaziasis. There’s only beena few cases in the UK. It has been found in dogs brought back from Europe.


You’ll notice these in your dog’s eye:

  • Blindness

  • Lots of tears

  • Itching

  • Redness

  • Swelling

  • Ulcers

  • Vision impairment


Eyeworms will look like thin, white and snake-like worms that move quickly. They’re normally 0.5 to 0.75 inches long.

How are they transmitted?

They’re transmitted from the bite of a fly.

How do vets diagnose and find out what type of worm a pet has?

English Springer Spaniel

Vets will usually look at your dog’s poop under a microscope to look for worm eggs and larvae. Based on the appearance, your vet will have a better idea of what your pet is dealing with. Sometimes samples may need to be sent away to an external lab for analysis.

They may need more than one sample. Following that, your vet will perform further tests depending on the suspected type of worm. For example, heartworms will require a blood test.

Can cats catch worms from dogs?

Cats can catch worms from dogs and vice versa. They can cross from one to the other with fleas infected with tapeworms, or one species may come into contact with the poo of the other.

Can people catch worms from dogs and cats?

Humans can catch intestinal worms from dogs, but this is rare and unusual. The most common parasite passed from dogs to humans is hookworms, which are more prevalent in children than in adults.

Raw feeding and worms

Raw meat can be one way dogs and cats get worms, but it’s unlikely to be a risk with frozen commercial raw food.

Raw pet meat usually meets standards that make it fit for human consumption. The food will also usually have been frozen for some time, killing worms and parasites.

If you’re raw feeding from a non-commercial source of meat, be cautious. Freeze meat for a few days before feeding and make sure you worm your pet regularly. Your vet can advise you on the most appropriate worming protocol for your pet on raw food, as they may need worming more regularly.

Will travelling abroad with my pet expose them to worms?

Cat in travel bag

It depends. You really need advice from your vet here as it depends on your pet, where you’re going and for how long. But going abroad can expose your pet to different worms than they might be exposed to at home, so you’ll need to ensure you use the right worming products.

There are also some very specific requirements on when worming treatments are given before leaving/arriving in a country so you’ll need to get the timing right.

You’ll also need the right vaccines and prepare all the necessary paperwork and medical checks before travelling. Our dedicated guide on travelling with a pet can help. You should always plan well in advance if you want to take your pet abroad.

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How can I manage worms if I have multiple pets?


It’s difficult to manage worms with multiple pets as infections spread quickly and it’s hard to find the source.

Generally, you should:

  • Clean up after your pets regularly.

  • Follow regular defleaing and deworming (and make sure all pets are on the same schedule).

  • Take them to regular vet check-ups.

If you have a multi-pet household with cats and dogs, it’s a good idea to deworm everyone at the same time so they don’t pass them back and forth.

What happens if worms aren’t treated?

Worms can become serious if left untreated, leading to severe health problems. A pet with untreated worms can suffer with:

  • Digestive problems: Diarrhoea, vomiting, stomach pain, bloating, poor appetite, blood in stools.

  • Lack of energy or tiredness: Likely due to anaemia and malnutrition.

  • Neurological problems: Tapeworms, for example, can migrate to the brain and spinal cord, causing things like seizures (although this is extremely rare!).

  • Organ damage: Tapeworms can migrate to major organs and cause damage. Again, this is extremely rare.

  • Weight loss: Mainly due to malnutrition as the worms will use food and prevent the nutrients from being absorbed into your pet’s body. 

You must get your dog's worms treated. While they’re relatively minor and treatable in the short term, long-term they can cause major issues and quick or preventative treatment will prevent this.

Does pet insurance cover worms?

Pet insurance won't pay for preventative treatments for your pet.

That means you can't claim for things like flea, tick and worm treatments, vaccinations or neutering.

ManyPets flea, tick and worm plan protects your pet against worms and other parasites. You’ll get a discount on the plan, and you don’t need to have an insurance policy to buy it.

dog carrying a stethoscope in its mouth

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After graduating from the University of Nottingham, Holly spent two years as a farm animal vet. She then travelled and volunteered in India, working at neutering clinics and with injured street dogs. Holly now works in small animal practice, balancing this with writing and volunteering with the comms team at Vet Sustain. She's also a marine mammal medic!