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Talk to our Doggy Doula to get through the puppy blues

Are you experiencing the emotional mix of joy, anxiety and regret that comes with a new puppy? We're here to help with the phenomenon known as the puppy blues. Book a free call with vet Dr Scott Miller to get the emotional support owners need to ease them into their new life as a pet parent.

Book a Doggy Doula session

Dr Scott Miller is available for individual calls with new puppy parents for a limited time in January. Book now to get support if you have the puppy blues.

Dr Scott is more than just a vet, he's someone who has been a pet parent to a number of puppies over the years.

So we thought he'd be the perfect person to be our Doggy Doula. Along with his pet health expertise, he can lend a sympathetic ear to new pet parents.

Whether you feel judged by other owners, like you're never going to get training right or at odds with your partner about letting your dog sleep on the bed, Scott can help.

We've found many owners need more than guidance on training and puppy health, they can also benefit from emotional support to help them adjust to caring for a puppy and the change to their lifestyle.

Find out more about our research into the causes of the puppy blues or read some of Dr Scott's Doggy Doula puppy advice.

You can also download our guides for new puppy and kitten owners that include all the health and training information you need to be there for your pet.

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