How to calm pets during fireworks

4 January 2022 - 5 min read
A dog hiding under the bed

Does your dog get scared during fireworks?

If your pet becomes anxious when the loud bangs and bright lights of fireworks start, they're certainly not alone.

The Kennel Club discovered that 80% of dog owners notice significant changes in their dog’s behaviour during the fireworks season, with a third saying their dog is terrified of fireworks. Plus, 34% of cat owners responding to a PDSA Animal Wellbeing Report noticed behaviour changes in their cats too.

If you’re searching for how to calm your dog during fireworks or looking for the best remedies for dogs scared of fireworks, we’ve compiled top tips and solutions that can help soothe their anxiety. 

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How to calm your cat or dog during fireworks

The sooner you can start preparing your pets for Bonfire Night, the easier it will be to shield them from stress. Mid-October onwards is the perfect time to start.

Starting a month in advance gives you plenty of time to run a full risk assessment for hazardous noises that provoke your pet's anxiety.

Your preparation work should involve:

  • Creating a sound sanctuary for your dogs and cats

  • Investing in calming products and the medication they need

  • A schedule of local events

With those key points under control, your home and pet are ready when the Catherine wheels start flying.

#1 Make a note of organised fireworks displays

Although 5th November is the official date for Bonfire Night it’s common to hear fireworks being set off at different times and on the days leading up to and after this date.

In the run-up to Bonfire Night, keep an eye on local Facebook events, and listings in the paper, about how your community is celebrating bonfire night.

If you live in a busy area, keep a schedule of noise events. At congested times, ramp up your efforts to control how that noise enters your home and the anxiety-soothing controls you have in place.

#2 Speak to your neighbours about local firework displays

Some people like to have their own private fireworks events held at home, and they can lawfully do so before 11 pm.

Keep in touch with your neighbours. Are they going to celebrate a firework night in the garden? What time will the first rocket go off? Are they having lots of friends and family over to celebrate?

A quick chat over the garden wall means you can have full visibility of what's in store for the night and organise a stress-free evening for you and your pet.

#3 Create a calm spot or quiet den for them to retreat to

In the run-up to Bonfire Night get them used to the quiet spot, especially if you know the night in which there’s going to be a lot of fireworks going off.

Make sure they know it’s a safe place where they can seek comfort. Always use blankets, treats and some of their favourite toys to make it more welcoming. This will help your dog feel calm during fireworks.

#4 Play relaxing music

Pets' hearing is much better than ours! Keep them inside around Bonfire Night and close any windows or doors.

Playing relaxing music is a popular way of keeping dogs and cats calm because it goes some way to block out the sound of fireworks outside.

There are plenty of pet-friendly playlists and radio shows to choose from.

Alternatively, you can use your TV or radio. Whichever option you choose, our pets are individuals and it's about finding the option that best works for them.

#5 Find a soundproof room

How your home is constructed and your furnishings can make a huge difference to how sound enters, echoes and reverberates in your living spaces.

On Bonfire Night, pop your dog and cat in a room that shelters them from noise. The most soundproof room will have:

  • Thick walls

  • Insulation

  • Double glazing

  • Flush doors

  • Sealed cracks and holes, including a covered chimney or blocked fireplace

#6 Use exercise and play to release any anxious energy

Exercise helps reduce stress and anxiety in dogs. Around fireworks night, you might forego the early evening walks to avoid loud noises and crowds of people.

But, reducing exercise causes stress and anxiety, which also leads to a distressing evening for you and them.

Take your pups out on a nice relaxing morning walk before Bonfire Night or the next day if they’ve shown any signs of stress from the night before.

#7 Visit your vet

If you know your pet has been scared of fireworks in the past, visit your vet for advice.

They may recommend remedies like:

  • Nutracalm: A natural supplement that can be sprinkled on your dog’s food. It can start working within an hour, providing quick relief for anxious dogs.

  • Sileo Gel: A prescription gel that can be applied to your dog’s gums, reducing fear responses.

Your vet can guide you on which products or medications are best suited for your dog’s needs.

#8 Use calming products

  • Calming Sprays: Products like Pet Remedy (which uses valerian-based ingredients) can help calm your dog. Simply spray it around their den or on their bedding to create a calming environment.

  • Pheromones: Adaptil is a pheromone product available as a collar, spray, or plug-in diffuser. These mimic natural dog pheromones and can have a calming effect.

  • Thunder Shirt: This works by applying gentle pressure, like a comforting hug, which can release calming hormones such as oxytocin or endorphins. It’s an effective solution for dogs who suffer from firework phobia.

How to tell if your pet is feeling anxious

The noise and unpredictability of fireworks can make our pets nervous and anxious. Learn to recognise the signs of pet anxiety so you can act swiftly to comfort and calm them:


While panting is a way for dogs to get rid of body heat, panting can also be a sign of stress. Some dogs may hold their mouth completely closed in a tight line if they are anxious.

Wide eyes or dilated pupils

Stressed pets will often have large, dilated pupils or show a large portion of their sclera (the white part of the eye).

Ears pinned back or ears very alert

Relaxed pets typically have their ears in a more neutral, natural position. Anxious pets may have their ears pinned back against their head, or in some cases completely erect to listen carefully.

Increased drooling, lip licking or yawning

In some cases, these changes can make people think the pet is relaxed. But in stressful scenarios, it's common for dogs to yawn or drool more than normal.

Shaking or cowering

These are more obvious signs of discomfort, but pets that shake are outwardly manifesting their distress. Pets that cower or even hide are actively trying to remove themselves from the cause of their discomfort.

Abnormal vocalisations

Dogs that whine, whimper, or even bark excessively indicate they are overstimulated/nervous. For cats, this can include meowing (often a different tone to their normal meow sound) or hissing. On the flip side, dogs that are often chatty can become quieter when stressed.


Anxious pets may try to avoid stressful encounters altogether. This can mean simply trying to avoid eye contact or face away from the stressful scenario to even trying to remove themselves completely by hiding or running away.

Reward and treat them for good behaviour

Pets pick up on their owner's attitudes and behaviours, so keeping evenings as “normal” as possible will make a massive difference to both their stress levels and yours!

When you see your pets showing calm positive behaviour, make sure you reward them with lovely treats and praise. This is much better than telling them off and punishing nervous negative behaviour. You want to avoid creating any negative associations that may trigger further anxiety going forward.

How pet insurance can support firework anxiety management

Understanding how to calm your dog during fireworks is essential for their well-being. Creating a safe environment, using calming remedies, and consulting your vet can help keep your dog relaxed and secure.

But managing firework-related anxiety often involves additional costs, such as vet visits, prescribed medications, or specialised products like pheromone sprays and calming supplements.

This is where pet insurance can be incredibly useful. Many policies cover behavioural treatments, medications, and consultations with a vet to address anxiety issues. Some policies may even cover calming products prescribed by your vet or provide access to behavioural specialists, ensuring your pet gets the best support during stressful times.

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Kirsten Ronngren DVM MRCVS
Veterinary surgeon

Veterinary surgeon Dr Kirsten Ronngren joined ManyPets in 2022. Alongside her extensive experience as a vet in small animal and feline-only clinics, Kirsten is passionate about online content creation. Kirsten’s a regular on ManyPets’ social media and video content with her no-nonsense attitude to keeping our customers’ pets happy and well.