Kitten Hub
Your cat is growing up fast, and you want to give them the best care possible. But how do you deal with the new challenges they face, from scratching to feeding? In this page, we will share expert tips and advice on how to help your kitten grow and thrive.)
Kitten care basics: Preparing to bring your kitten home
The first few days of kitten-dom can feel both exciting and overwhelming. Fear not - there are some really simple basics you can get on top of ahead of time!
2-6 months kitten stage
6-12 months kitten stage
Get a FREE kitten guide
Ah, tiny kittens – always a bundle of energy. As cute as that can be, it also means they’ll be running around, playing, exploring, and getting into trouble from the moment they arrive home.
But - don't panic! We've put together a 32-page guide with all the tips you need to get ahead, curated by our in-house veterinarian, Dr Kirsten Ronngren.
Food, diet and exercise
It can feel overwhelming to navigate kitten nutrition and exercise. Luckily, we've broken it down into easy-to-understand guides.
Training & behaviour: Teaching your kitten good habits
Keeping your cat happy and well is just as important for their overall wellbeing as looking after their health. Here are some of our top guides on all things training and behaviour so you can get ahead!
Health & wellness: Keeping your kitten happy and healthy
It's not all plane sailing when it comes to being a cat parent - there are a few nasty surprises you'll want to avoid when it comes to their health.
Grooming: Keeping your kitten clean and comfortable
Whilst cats are great at keeping themselves clean, there's a few things you can do to help with grooming.
Why should I get insurance for my kitten?
Do kittens really need cat insurance? You’d be forgiven for thinking that a young, healthy kitten might not need vet fee cover. But here’s the reality: young cats are a pretty accident-prone bunch.
From taking a tumble, to eating something they shouldn’t, you never know when your kitty-cat might need to visit a vet. Our kitten insurance can help with these costs, providing cover for unexpected illnesses and injuries that could later be classed as pre-existing if you wait.
Socialising and going outside
You've mastered the basics - now it's time for your cat to meet other pets (or even head outdoors!) We've pulled together some expert tips to help you navigate this crucial phase.
When can kittens go outside for the first time?
Five steps to harmoniously introduce your new cat to your dog
How to introduce pets to children
How to travel with a cat and enjoy it