How to prepare for a Goldendoodle puppy

19 April 2024 - 6 min read
Happy woman with black hair wearing sweater with her goldendoodle therapy dog in library

Congratulations! You’re getting (or considering) a bundle of sunshine known as the Goldendoodle. Anxious about how to prepare? Don’t know where to start? Relax – we’re here to help.

Read on to see what Goldendoodle accessories you may need, the major points of puppy care and the ins and outs of owning this sociable, exciting breed. 

Research the Goldendoodle breed

Image of a Goldendoodle looking into the camera on a beige background

We imagine you’ve already done this but research the breed first. You should find the right dog for you, and you shouldn’t rush through this step: deciding the right breed can make a big difference.

Our Goldendoodle page has everything you need. Our breed fact files are there for further research, too.

Goldendoodle characteristics

As a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle, Goldendoodles bring a nice mix of loyalty and intelligence. They’re very affectionate dogs, easy to train and form strong bonds with their owners.

Owning a Goldendoodle is a joy if you want a dog that’ll feel like your best friend. But their strong bonds with their owners mean they’re prone to separation anxiety. You need to prioritise early socialisation and obedience training.

Read below on how to prepare for a Goldendoodle puppy.

Essential supplies

Goldendoodle food and water bowls

You already know this, but your new puppy will need a food and water bowl. 

It can be hard to know what to buy when you don’t know your pup yet. But since Goldendoodles are 20-24 inches in size, we recommend getting a bowl suited to medium-sized dogs.

Since your pup is small, it may be worth getting a smaller one and buying a bigger bowl as they grow.

Keep an eye on their eating style as they age, as you may need to get a slow feeder or raised bowl to offset any bad habits. 

Goldendoodle high-quality dog food

Dog food and pet nutrition isn’t an exact science, but there are rules you can follow.

Paying more for dog food doesn’t necessarily mean you’re paying for better. We recommend trying to find something within your budget that makes sure your pup gets what they need in the right amounts.

Do note that Goldendoodles are prone to obesity, so be careful not to overfeed them. For more details, read notes on the raw pet food diet and how to switch pet food efficiently.

Goldendoodle comfortable bedding

Even if you think your Goldendoodle may prefer to sleep in your bed, they’ll still need somewhere they can call their own personal nap space. 

There are a few factors to look for:

· Size and shape – so it isn’t too big or small

· Material – so it doesn’t have any allergens or anything that can irritate your pup

· Comfort – so your Goldendoodle can spend its sleeping time in total bliss

Goldendoodle lead and collar

It’s important to have a lead and a collar – you can’t leash-train your Goldendoodle without them!

The perfect collar depends on your dog’s size. As your Goldendoodle grows, it’ll likely need a change. Make sure it doesn’t get too tight as they grow; you should be able to fit two fingers under the collar. 

Read our guide on deciding between a collar and a harness and how to train your dog with them.

Goldendoodle identification tags

An ID tag is essential, especially if your Goldendoodle gets lost.

Try to pick one that is:

  • Made of good, weather-resistant materials, like stainless steel

  • Scratch-proof

  • Stating the dog’s name and your phone number

The law says you must microchip your pet, but a good ID tag is an extra layer of protection.

Goldendoodle grooming tools

Grooming is essential for all dog owners. Learning how to bathe and groom them is something all owners need to do; it keeps dogs healthy and happy. 

You’ll want:

  • A good brush - we recommend a high-quality slicker brush and a metal comb

  • Shampoo and conditioner - this cleans your dog's coat, but always check it's safe to use and puppy-friendly

  • Nail clippers and a file – read our guide on how to cut dog nails if you need a hand 

Goldendoodle puppy care isn't as simple as buying a few things, but learning how to take care of them will pay dividends. 

Goldendoodle toys and enrichment

Overall, toys come in four categories:

  • Plush – these help your Goldendoodle relax

  • Interactive – for mental stimulation

  • Chew – to help promote dental health

  • Puzzle – for enrichment and stimulation

For what toys to get them, read our detailed guide on safe toys for puppies.

Goldendoodle safety and travel accessories 

Sometimes, we need to take our dogs travelling, and safety needs to be the priority. This is especially true of puppies, who aren’t used to the car yet.

Goldendoodle crate or carrier for travel

You need a pet carrier or a similar safety device if you’re travelling by car. This isn’t an opinion; it’s stated in the Highway Code:

“When in a vehicle make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving or injure you, or themselves if you stop quickly. A seat belt harness, pet carrier, dog cage or dog guard are ways of restraining animals in cars."

Not sure what carrier to pick? Generally, focus on:

  • Size – you’ll need to measure and weigh your Goldendoodle first to make sure they have enough room to stand up and turn around in the carrier

  • Safety standards – since you’re using a carrier in a car, make sure the provider passes third-party crash tests

  • Style – pick a style that suits you and your dog best

Carriers come in a few styles:

  • Hard-sided – these provide good protection but are best for medium to large-size dogs. It’s perfect if your pup’s prone to chewing things, too.

  • Soft-sided – these focus on comfort, which is ideal for anxious or nervous dogs. Made for small to medium-sized dogs.

  • Wheeled – these have wheels to make travelling and moving it around a lot easier. They’re good if you’re planning on doing a lot of city walking or if you’re catching a plane.

  • Backpack – these are only suited for smaller dogs. They mean you can take your dog anywhere with you while they enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the great outdoors. These aren’t a replacement for a good carrier when travelling by car.

Goldendoodle seat belt harness for car rides

Seat-belt harnesses are a good replacement for carriers. It’s mentioned in the Highway Code, but unfortunately, there aren’t any standardised safety regulations for seat belts.

Try to find one which has passed stringent third-party tests.

Goldendoodle doggy seat covers for protection

We also recommend a good dog seat cover. This makes things more comfortable when your dog’s in the car, and prevents your motor from getting too wrecked from muddy paws and scratching.

For more general advice, our article on the things to consider when going away with a pet can help.

Goldendoodle reflective gear for nighttime walks

Man walking a dog at night wearing headlamp

Making sure you and your dog are safe is essential at night. You both need effective, comfortable reflective gear.

Read our article on walking your dog at night, and check out our night-time accessories for dog walking for a list of gear.

Goldendoodle first aid kit for emergencies

You never know when an emergency, big or small, may strike. Having a first-aid kit will always help, and it doesn’t take much to make one. We recommend packing a kit that has:

  • A spare collar

  • Towels

  • Surgical sticky tape

  • Bandages

  • Cotton wool

  • Sterile wipes

  • Blunt scissors

  • Sterile, absorbent gauze

Make sure you read our first-aid tips article and consider dog first-aid training to stay prepared.

Goldendoodle training aids

As mentioned, the Goldendoodle’s intelligence makes it easy to train. They’re receptive to most positive reinforcement and obedience training.

But all dog breeds enjoy some training aids, so make sure you’re stocked up.

Goldendoodle treats for positive reinforcement

Some dogs are very food-orientated, which makes treats the ideal reward. Now, a lot of this will depend on your Goldendoodle pup’s tastes, but most respond well to things like:

  • Beef

  • Chews

  • Chicken

  • Peanut butter

Use these as part of positive reinforcement training. Of course, don’t dish them out too much – pet obesity is a major problem, and those tasty treats soon add up.

Goldendoodle clicker for clicker training

Like most intelligent dog breeds, Goldendoodles respond well to clicker training. This is a type of reward-based training where a dog associates a sound (in this case, a click) with a reward (like a treat). Over time, the clicker sound itself becomes the reward.

You can buy any dog clicker for this but be sure to read our guide on basic dog training first. 

Goldendoodle training pads for housebreaking

The big thing with puppies is making sure they’re housetrained. As ever, it’s important to exercise patience during housebreaking, but training pads can help.

Pick one with lots of layers, as this will make sure nothing seeps through and makes the clean-up process much easier.

Read our guide on housetraining a puppy if you need more.

Goldendoodle puppy gates for containment

Puppies are inquisitive, and they love to explore. But sometimes they end up in places they shouldn’t!

The benefit of puppy gates is that they can section off your dog, without them feeling like we've left them out. They can still see you, so it won’t contribute to loneliness.

Pick a secure gate and the right size, and you’ll soon have a way to keep your Goldendoodle away from any hazards. Make sure it’s tall enough to stop your zippy pup from hopping over it.

Goldendoodle training books or online resources

Proper training tips will always help, but sometimes, you need something specific. Each breed has its personality, and some need specific advice,

But don’t spend too much money on this, you’ll be fine with general training advice.

If you do, make sure it’s from a recognised behaviourist and expert.

Puppy insurance

Of course, Goldendoodle insurance is an important step to keep yourself prepared throughout your dog's life.

Hands holding up a puppy

High-quality pet insurance

Nothing beats being early

As a new owner, the best thing you can do for your little bundle of joy is protect them throughout their life. We'll be with you all the way.

Hands holding up a puppy