Pet insurance with theft and stray cover
Cover for lost or stolen pets
We know how much your pets mean to you, which is why we offer help and support if your cat or dog is stolen or goes missing.)
How does our lost and stolen cover work?
We always hope your pets stay safe and sound, but theft does happen occasionally - and can be devastating for pet parents. There’s also a chance your cat or dog could get lost while exploring unfamiliar places, or run off if they’re scared or anxious.
We include lost and stolen cover – or theft and stray cover, as some insurers call it – as standard with our Complete policy and as an optional extra on our other policies. It’s there to give you essential support if your pet goes missing and includes:
With our Regular policies our lost and stolen optional extra includes:
Advertising in the area where your pet went missing up to £1,500
Money for a reward for return of the cat or dog up to £1,500
Replacement of the original cost or market value of your pet if they’re not found within 30 days
With our Value policy, our lost and stolen optional extra includes:
Advertising in the area where your pet went missing up to £200
Money for a reward for return of the cat or dog up to £200
We can’t pay advertising and rewards cover if your pet returns within 48 hours, and rewards are limited to twice the purchase price of your pet or its current market value.
Remember, it’s compulsory under UK law for dogs to be microchipped and will become compulsory for cats from 2024. Because the chip will contain all your details, it can be a big help in safely reuniting you with your pet should they ever go missing.
Get a pet insurance quote with lost and stolen cover
Puppy Insurance
Dog insurance
Old dog Insurance
Kitten insurance
Cat insurance
Older cat insurance
What are the limits on lost and stolen cover?
Your lost and stolen cover offers support should something unexpected happen to your pet – but it’s also important to know what it doesn't pay for.
Our lost and stolen insurance won’t cover:
Pets that go missing or are stolen within 14 days of you taking the policy out
Advertising or rewards costs if your pet returns within 48 hours
Pets that go missing or are stolen while someone else is being paid to look after them
Rewards to your family or anyone who lives with you
Pets that aren't microchipped. Your pet must be microchipped to qualify for lost and stolen insurance if you purchased or renewed a policy after August 1st, 2024.
It’s important to check your policy details to see exactly what is and isn’t covered by your lost and stolen insurance.
How do I make a lost or stolen insurance claim?
1. Get in touch
If your pet is lost or stolen please get in touch with us as soon as possible. We’ll need evidence that your pet is lost or stolen, and of the costs you’ve incurred in advertising or rewards.2. Access your account
Give us a call or click on My Account to submit your lost or stolen claim online.:quality(75))
3. Make your claim
Click the “Make a claim” button and fill out the details. You’ll need to tell us what happened to your pet, and upload copies of the relevant documents.Lost and stolen insurance FAQs
Everything else you need to know about your pet’s lost and stolen insurance cover.
Can I insure my pet against theft?
Insurers don’t typically offer standalone theft insurance for pets. Lost and stolen cover is included as standard in our Complete policy, and can be purchased as add-ons for our other policies. Your insurance can help with the cost of advertising your missing pet, and the cost of rewards for the pet’s return.
What should I do if I don’t have the receipt from buying my pet?
If you don’t have the receipt from buying your pet, we can offer theft and stray cover up to their current market value, factoring-in their age, breed, gender, and date they went missing.
Can pet insurance help to find my pet?
With theft and stray cover you’ll have help towards the financial cost of advertising your missing pet, through print and social media, and will be able to offer a financial reward for its return.
What type of pet insurance is right for me?
If your pet hasn’t needed vet treatment, medicine or advice for a condition within the last two years, any of our Complete, Regular or Value policies will be suitable for them.
Our Pre-existing policy can provide cover for a pet that’s had a more recent health issue. We’ll cover a condition as long as your pet’s been free from treatment, medicine or advice for three months.
Does pet insurance cover vaccinations?
No, vaccinations aren’t covered by pet insurance because they’re classed as routine procedures.